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Written by Sam Allberry

Narrated by Jon Hemmer

4 hours, 3 minutes

Released 1/18/2019

Christian Life




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While singleness is often widely misunderstood by many in the church today and often viewed in negative terms, the Bible speaks about it very differently. This book sets forth a positive vision of singleness by responding to 7 common misconceptions, such as the notion that singleness is too hard, requires a special spiritual gift, is a hindrance to ministry, or is a waste of sexuality. Addressed to the church as a whole and written by a single pastor, 7 Myths about Singleness will help readers better understand, support, and empower the singles around them to contribute to the flourishing of the church as a whole.


Sam Allberry is a pastor and writer based in Maidenhead, UK. He is a global speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, an editor for The Gospel Coalition, and a bestselling author. His hobbies include American history, bad jokes and slowly perfecting his recipe for Thai green curry.

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Jon Hemmer, a Chicago native, has been working in radio for 20 years. He currently is a program host, as well as a senior producer for Moody Radio. He has been a music lover all of his life, and began playing the drums at a very early age. He currently plays regularly in the worship team at his church.

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