Written by James R. White
Narrated by Jim Denison
8 hours, 44 minutes
Released 9/9/2022
Christian Living
Bethany House
ISBN #9781666609417
The history of the Christian church pivots on the doctrine of justification by faith. Once the core of the Reformation, the church today often ignores or misunderstands this foundational doctrine. Theologian James White calls believers to a fresh appreciation of, understanding of, and dedication to the great doctrine of justification and then provides an exegesis of the key Scripture texts on this theme.
James R. White is the author of several acclaimed books, including The God Who Justifies and The Forgotten Trinity. The director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization, he is an accomplished and respected debater and an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. James also blogs at the Alpha and Omega Ministries site www.aomin.org. He and his family live in Phoenix, Arizona.

Jim Denison has been a professional narrator and voice actor since 2013 after retiring from 40 years of full time Christian ministry. Since then he's worked successfully on a wide variety of voice over projects for clients worldwide, including narration of over 150 audiobooks. He has also been featured in on-camera video projects on the NatGeo, History, and Discovery Channels, HBO, Netflix, and local and national TV commercials. Also since 2014, he has hosted a popular YouTube channel, Top10Archive, currently with over 1.61 million subscribers. He holds graduate and post-graduate degrees in Christian studies and Management.